Working towards future solutions together

FB Ketju is a part of FB Group – one of the group members has a history that goes all the way back to the 1800s. Lengthy history in chain manufacturing and close collaboration drive these companies forward. Curiosity and enthusiasm for developing solutions together with our customers has kept us in the market for over a hundred years.

FB Ketju is slightly different than other companies that sell chains, as we are not just one company. FB Group consists of seven independent companies across Europe. The collaboration within our group is close and innovative. Together we develop materials and manufacturing methods and test new innovations in practice. Each FB Group company is a little different and does different things, but together we want to be more than just a chain supplier.

Close cooperation within the FB family

All members of FB Group focus on marketing products in their domestic market, while some also produce selected products or product groups for other FB companies. FB Ketju manufactures conveyor chains, related attachment structures and other parts according to special needs. FB Ketju, located in Lappi, Rauma, also produces the conveyor chains sold by the other sister companies. UK based FB Chain produces anchor bolts, among other things, while, in addition to their chain sales, the Swedish FB Kedjor produces added value for their customers through chain maintenance.

As the large FB Group, we can offer our customers both standard and specialty chains and other chain-related components. Our customer group consists of a wide variety of industries and applications.

– Our customers have the opportunity to utilise the expertise of their local FB company and order the chains they need from nearby. We work closely within the FB family, says FB Ketjutekniikka Oy’s Managing Director Mika Suomi.

The companies of FB Group are owned by Addtech AB which has been listed in the Stockholm stock exchange.

#fbketju #fbgroup #neverstopmoving


Quality chain for demanding heating conditions in Lapland


Unique lubrication system extends the lifecycle of chains